Last Updated 31 December 2004     

(Return to psp_2005)

      Subject : Details of Updates on CAFAM PSP made in the year 2004

01-DEC-04 (3h.17)

  1. Delivery Note D_ORDER now holds the old Bin Loc for print on Packing Note RU_DELVW

  2. New setting & parm to handle special Barcode Label for Prism Doc Imaging (Adams Av) Print Sales Order, Invoice, Book-into-Stock

  3. Added NSN prompt in P/no creation

  4. Added Alt Pno in Open Sales Order print to DBF

  5. Added new menu in Receipt History for O/S transfers uses RP_BATCW

10-Nov-04 (3h.16 AMNDPSP reqd)

  1. Added ISS no. in Suggested Stock Alloc and Need to buy list RM_PARTW, RM_PRTLW, RM_CMPLW frx files changed FSALNED.DBF file altered

  2. Added in trap for matching ISS no. in Process a Sales Order

31-Oct-04 (3h.15b AMNDPSP reqd)

  1. Fix Min / Max Qty to each individual Depot

  2. Add Listing for Sales and Purchase Order combined on one screen

  3. Change of word from “Tariff” to “Customs Code"

  4. Add prompt for "Issue Number" to each Part Number in all screens & prompts

  5. Viewing all RFQs on Suppliers on one Part Number

  6. Mask Out Buy price on Book-in to stock screen

  7. Prevent duplication of Customers Purchase Order
    8. Usage analysis Add prompt for Depot

  8. Add in control for Purchase Order Last Amended date

  9. Add in Quote validation period

  10. Added Password control for Edit of "Amended On" date

  11. Prompts a Continue Y/N to allow duplication of Customers Purchase Orders (7-above)

03-Oct-04 (3h.14)

  1. Added prompt price when adding a line in Re-scheduling Delivery

  2. Added Print Button in interactive Ordering - RO_INTOW.FRX

15-Sep-04 (3h.13)

  1. Added new Button in Edit Purchase Orders to Re-schedule Deliveries with option to create new Purchase Order line with split Qty's

  2. Blocked issue of Parts if Bin Loc= "Q" for those Users using Fault Tracking system

  3. Re-calculates Qty in Stock to treat items with Bin Loc="Q" as "Quarantine" again only for those Users where Fault Tracking System is turned on 

01-Sep-04 (3h.12)

  1. Total Valuation also prints Core value in stock and at repairs RA_VALNW

  2. New CAFAM User can be profiled to have exact same rights as a previous User - easier in setting up Users

02-Aug-04 (3h.11)

  1. Book in to Stock - now re-prompts for "Required For" so that Labels and GRN book shows this accordingly

05-Jul-04 (3h.10 Needs Amndpsp)

  1. New program added to track supplier faults. Changes to supplier screen to display lines delivered and faults. Prompts in Goods Book-in to enter fault details against look-up table. Changes in Utilities Menu to support new data tables. (Triggered if BinLoc="Q") Fault number is auto-generated, prints-out fault report, and links to header screen to writ back new bin location

15 May 05 3h.09

  1. Corrected fault in Rotable re-value process

13 May 04 3h.08

  1. Changed Inventory Screen to show "New" rotables instead of "O/H". Looks for condition="NE" or "NS"

08 Apr 04 3h.07 (needs AMNDPSP)

  1. Added Search on Sales Person in "Open Sales Order" report rm_custw.frx changed

  2. Added link to allow different Ship-to address during Invoice Print. Drop down table to Cust name & address file

28-Mar-04 3h.06

  1. Performance reports - Added Push buttons to search file on Invoiced or Contract date

11-Mar-04 3h.05

  1. Return for Credit-tightened write to Sales Order file to prevent duplicates

  2. Fixed "Con_qty" write during "Shipping & Shortage" and "Return for Credit"

  3. Added Caution pop-up box in Auto-Picking Invoice Conversion to trap zero priced items

12-Dec-2003 3h.04

  1. Added Custom Label print in Auto-Pick & Issue Menu to handle specialised labels (support for SpecTech connect to PICKMEWW.EXE)

  2. Trapped and stop return more than Qty=99,999 (causes numeric o/flow)

  3. Added new Push Button in Auto Pick to convert SHipped (picked items) direct to INvoice. (Optional connect-to PICKME2W.EXE)

27-Nov-2003 3h.03 (need AMNDPSP)

  1. Added prompt for CONDition in Interactive Ordering

06-Nov-2003 3h.02

  1. Complete new Section added in Purchase Orders - Interactive Ordering. Process to use Min Qty Report in Browse screen and create PO based on Usage

28-Oct-2003 3h.01 Amendments

  1. Changed title "Approved" to "Contrlld" in Supplier Add/Edit screen 

  2. re-located Alternate P/No Pop-up screen to make main screen fully visible 

  3. Added two push-buttons 'Show/Don't show Costs" in Parts sold by Customer report

  4. Added two push-buttons 'Show/Don't show Supplier" in Open Sales Order report

  5. Qty in Stock and on Order now displayed in Sales Order creation pop-up box

  6. Removed default "APP/CT" in Book in to Stock Screen - now just blank

  7. Added "Contract Date" prompt in Sales Order creation

  8. Conversion of Quote to SO checks Credit Limit

  9. Added drop-down screen to select items to print on "Re-Print" P/Orders Forms: run_reg0w.frx, ru_cus0w.frx

20-Oct-2003 (3h.00) Version Change

  1. New Version released with password security to cover different levels of access




Zenner Limited (UK)
Zenner Aviation Inc. (Canada)

UK +44 (0) 1959 540 747
Canada +1 613 384 6523
