02 JANUARY 2002



Note : This tech note is applicable only to users of CAFAM for DOS ONLY





We have developed and are releasing a Windows Version of CAFAM. This Tech Note sets out to assist you in installing this version over your current MS DOS version.  You MUST be at Version 4C (or higher) for AMP users of CAFAM and 3C (or higher) for PSP users for this update to work. The version of CAFAM is displayed on the start-up logo – top right hand corner in the boxed outline.  Please contact us for details to upgrade to the correct version



Update Process

Win-CAFAM is supplied as a series of zip files as applicable to the version of Program you are using.  See list below for file names and description .


AMP - Aircraft Maintenance Program - contains the current CAFAM-AMP Program files - contains all the Reports in European A4 size - contains all the Forms in European A4 size - contains all the Reports in American Letter size - contains all the Forms in American Letter size


PSP - Parts Stockist Program - contains the current CAFAM-PSP Program files - contains all the Reports in European A4 size - contains all the Forms in European A4 size - contains all the Reports in American Letter size - contains all the Forms in American Letter size


Common Files - Both Programs - contains the Program Overlay file required to run CAFAM


1.     First and foremost – create a reliable, easy to restore Back-up of the entire CAFAM directory.  Simplest suggestion here is to copy the entire CAFAM folder from the Server to the local hard disk.


2.     Then, Copy/”Save as” the update files as applicable to you to the folder where the CAFAM program is located on the Server (or local hard drive).  Typically you would download,, and if you are our  Customer in Europe running the Aircraft Maintenance Program and intending to use A4 paper.


3.       Unzip these four files to overwrite all previous files.


4.       Execute a program (part of the suite of files supplied) called AMNDSTRU.EXE for AMP users or AMNDPSP.EXE for PSP Users .  This program will check your data files and amend the structures as found necessary to match the Win-CAFAM.


5.       Delete a file called CNTRLMEM.MEM located in the CAFAM folder.  CAFAMW will recreate a new Control File when next launched.


6.       Create a shortcut to “point” to CAFAMW.EXE – the new CAFAM for Windows program located in the CAFAM folder and  execute the Program as normal.


Points to Note

1.    CAFAM can co-exist with the MS-DOS version on the same system.  However, please note that there are differences in an Internal control file in that the Windows version will support the DOS, but not the other way round.  What this means is that any changes in the Control file (UTILITIES>SETTINGS & PARAMETERS) must be done in the Windows Version and the Windows version re-launched to re-create the file (Step 5 above).  If you do this the other way round,  then you may encounter a temporary but self-correcting error when you next run the Windows version.


2.    A whole new menu to alter Forms and Labels has been added in the UTILITIES section. This allows you tremendous flexibility in Customising your own paper-work including adding in your own logos etc.   We suggest you contact us for advice in altering these yourself.

3.    All of the Reports can now be also customised in appearance and columns to suit your own requirements.   These files are provided as part of  the suite of CAFAM files and can be identified by the suffix .FRX and .FRT.  Do NOT delete these. Each form file name is labelled at the bottom of the page.

4.    If you perform any update in the future, you are advised to keep a note and a back-up of any Report or Form files that you have had customised.  You do not want to overwrite these during some future update process !!.


5.    Future updates only requires  (or as applicable).  You need not to download the forms or the common overlay file again. These are done just one time.


  Thank you for using CAFAM 
“Software by Aircraft people for Aircraft People “



Zenner Limited (UK)
Zenner Aviation Inc. (Canada)

UK +44 (0) 1959 565 707
Canada +1 613 384 6523