Last Updated 29 December  2006 (See amp_2005 for previous year,  amp_2007 for following years)  

      Subject : Details of Updates on CAFAM AMP made in the year 2006

04 December 2006 Rev 5e.54b

  1. PREPARE BILLING - added a new Menu line for Split Invoicing where a task can be re-assigned to a different Customer / Job no. Leaves the original items in the original job with zero value. Added Comment field in Parts Usage file to show the new Job No. that the Invoice has been split to. 

  2. TIME/JOB - Print Reports added new report "WorkSheet Handling Report" - form RD_TSKWW.FRX

  3. PURCHASE ORDERS Added new prompt for Aircraft regn and O/stn in Placing Orders in addition to "Required for"

  4. PURCHASE ORDERS Added External Notes in Memo System, prints as add-on sheet for Purchase Orders. New Form added - RO_EXTNW.FRX

24 October 2006 Rev 5e.53

  1. STORES- Batch Book Edit - Added Incoming Lot Nr in Part Nr. Browse 

  2. ACFT RECS - Print W/Sheets Moved "Browse Select" Button over W/sheets. Added selection to this Button for print by Ref No or by Trade

  3. STORES - PURC ORDER - TOOL/EQ - Changed Book-in to Stores to print TOOL LABEL instead of Approved Stores label automatically. Label forms. Labels changed to support this RC_CALBW (CU_LABLC) 


17 September 2006 Rev 5e.52a (23/09/06rev a - to make minor corrections as reported)

  1. DIRECT INVOICE SALES. Added a field for End Use Expiry date set in the Customer file. Blocks issue of parts if End Use date has expired

  2. FLT LOGS Added new Menu prompt to select and print Flight Log book pages for Engines and Props - new forms RJ_LOGEW and RJ_LOGPW. Existing form RJ_LOGBW minor change

  3. 5e52a TIME/JOB - Add/Edit Job number - Added memo button during ADDition of task

  4. 5e52a. TIME/JOB - Task Details Menu - Added New buttons to Close (or Re-Open) task in Task Sub-menu - triggered if Rectification line is entered

  5. 5e52a. TIME/JOB - Task Add/Edit - Connected ESTHRS into Task Valid file for Estimate validation

  6. 5e52a STORE - Demand Requisition - Added in Custom Label Print for allocated stock

  7. 5e52a PRE-INVOICE Corrected bug in closing Jobs - "file tmp_6nnn missing" fault


17 August 2006 Rev 5e.51

  1. FLT LOG: Flight Log Entry
    (a) Added new button to link Flight log entry page to Defect Control Screen. Can add new record here or edit previous
    (b) Added Component changes - links to ACFTDEFW. Handles difference in Times between Aircraft file and Techlog file. Prompts to Update Aircraft files if Component changes detected
    (c) Added prompt for Oil Uplift - set to correctly handle the Number of Engines installed. Form RJ_OILCW amended
    (d) Changed to self-increment the T/Log number up to a five digit number. Set the value "Increment T/Log No by suffix per day" to "N" in Settings and Parameters for this feature to work

  2. ACFT RECS: Component control 
    (a) Corrected Acft Fitted Hrs to be at times as entered rather than being as at current hrs. 
    (b) Component Status Screen - changed to allow Edit of A/frame component fit hrs. 
    (c) Added prompt for Aircraft in addtion to Part no in same screen
    (d) Added Component History file components that were suspended (to list as part of the History)

  3. ACFT RECS: Defect Analysis
    (a) Changed Defect Analysis Screen with 4 extra lines of Rectification text - now matches the Billing system
    (b) Suppressed Date & Hrs "Clear By" prompt if MEL left blank for new Defects,
    (c) Added now button called "STATUS" to directly change the Status on the job
    (d) Added new fields for RVSM and A/Pilot Category (to change if required by incoming defect). Prints on the Aircraft Front Sheet. Form changed RG_FRNTW 
    (e) Added filter for Aircraft Type in Reports

  4. ACFT RECS: Log Book Entry.. Changed logic to remember previous Log Book entries for re-prints. Pull Down list now added allowing delete of previous entry and re-connect to Task or Defect file for new one

  5. ACFT RECS: Component Modules - Added System generated 4-digit number to tag to the Module being removed where the make-up is now QUARnnnn instead of QUARnn previously was a User entered 2-digit number

  6. ACFT RECS: Technical Library
    (a) Added Aircraft Type prompt in Main library screen 
    (b) Added function to print the Master screen showing all details incl Notes and Revision (per record)
    (c) Added three new reports, sort by Media, Fleet and Revision Sent Reminder by Locations
    Forms changed/added: RI_MASTW, RI_LIBMW, RI_MEDIW, RI_TYPEW, RI_REVSW

  7. ACFT RECS: Tools & Equipment Added Setting & Parameter option to create Calibration History in Memo file (Y/N) during Repair Order process

  8. ACFT RECS: Call-ups - Added New file to record History of Call-ups satisfied for both Aircraft and Components. Added new Report for History of Call-ups listing per Aircraft or all. Forms RE_HISTW and RE_HISLW added

  9. STORES PRINT REPORTS - Added prompt for "Owner" in O/station Report Stock List

  10. TIME/JOB: 
    (a) Open Edit Jobs Labour Hrs and Budget Rate for the whole job (added these prompts to the Button marked "Budget" 
    (b) Job Numbers - Added new Button to ADD or EDIT Tasks during Edit Process of Job or Tasks. (Previously used an Edit process where addition of record needed equivalent of a CTRL+N). Also tightened auto-detect of next Task number to work better
    (c) Reports. Added option to print a Task Man Hour summary (emulating the same report as in "Pre-Invoice" - comparing Est. Man Hrs Vs Hrs Booked Vs Hrs Billed. Report form RD_JBL1W amended

  11. COMM. STORES: Edit Purchase Order - Corrected screen display error where first Char was being cut-off


07 July 2006 Rev 5e.50

  1. STORES: Added new Prompt for Suppliers Incoming GRN called LOT Nr. (in addition to Cert Number) during Book into Stock. Added it in Edit of Batch Book by Part No and in Inventory control History. Report RP_BOOKW, RP_NOTEW, RA_CARDW changed

  2. STORES: Changed Font size in Purchase Order print (made larger) Form file RO_ORDRW

  3. STORES: Purchase Order Commercial and Approved - Added in Search on Job No in "Reqd For" if a job number entry is made XXXXX/XX (looks for the "/").

  4. STORES: Added in new S&P item "CL_COMSV=Y" where Commercial Service can be to auto close if Job no is entered in "Reqd For"

  5. TIME/JOB: Added in new field for Est. Man Hrs to Task File when Opening/Editing Job No.. (Reports changed RD_TSKAW, RD_TSKFW, RD_TSKMW, RW_ACKGW)

  6. TIME/JOB: Added new report in Job Number - "Job Memo Notes Report"
    Added new report in Task Print Reports - "Task Memo Notes Report"

  7. BILLING: "Prepare Billing" changes (Reports changed RB_WRKBW, RB_WRKRW, )
    (a) Added 4 extra lines into Rectification prompt (making a total of 8). 
    Note: Intended as Billing function only, Defect Control Screen is with 4 lines as previous
    (b) Improved the scrolling function and search connection by Task Number between the two screens 
    (c) Stopped the auto-populate of Rectification from Discrepancy 
    (d) Added in Double Time as a charge out function with different Labour Rate
    (e) Added prompt for Labour Heading type in above for charge-out and print in Invoice Billing. Text written here first time is saved to MEMory file (called LABRMEM.MEM) for re-use of wording in future billing
    (f) Auto-populates the Man Hours and Labour per task or Edit previous data by selecting on new buttons

  8. BILLING: "Pre-Invoice" - Added in new report comparing Est. Man Hrs Vs Hrs Booked Vs Hrs Billed. New Report RB_JBL1W

  9. ACFT RECS: Log Book entry - Added the extra 4-lines from Billing file to make 8 lines in Rectification text

  10. PRINT REPORTS: Added DBF Output for Sales Order Open. Need to Buy List and Time/Job Employee file

  11. QUIT: Added Auto-delete function for those duplicated unwanted records in the Stock file when doing a Daily FIle Maintenance

  12. STORES: Book in to Stock, Open Sales Orders - Added new prompt to print Items that could have been delivered following the pop-up screen of Sales Orders that are open. New report RO_SALOW


13 May 2006 Rev 5e.49

  1. STORES: Corrected Update of List Prices from AvRef to support new CDROM data releases in Jan 2006

  2. STORES: Added in prompt for Budget Costs in W/Shop opened Purchase Orders

  3. ACFT/RECS: Added in carry over of prices Info for Stores Owned Rotables issued to an aircraft in Component Control

  4. ACFT/RECS: Changed the logic of Replace Modules to tighten select screens and Module position

  5. ACFT/RECS: Changed Component Install logic to accept Acft with cycles only (no landings) entries in Auto-calc

  6. QUIT: Included UnAllocated Stock Value in End of Day/Month or Summary Text file report


13 May 2006 Rev 5e.48d

  1. BILLING: Changed Invoice Billing Details to support default Currency of Customer and Exch Rate to print the totals in the Customer's expected currency

  2. STORES: Added New Menu to directly Add/Edit Bin Locations in "Load/Maintain Stock Files"

  3. TIME/JOB: Changed Password logic for Re-open "Jobs Finished" to separate call (Password=83)

  4. 5e.48a: GENERAL Introduced new Index Keys in Part Usage files (approved and Commecial Stores)

  5. 5e.48a: BILLING: Changed Index Keys in Parts Edit screen to connect to these new Index keys where listing is by Task No on the Job

  6. 5e.48a: TIME/JOB: Tightened Password logic for Re-open to include "Draft Invoice" to Password=83 Job Finished

  7. 5e.48c: UTILITIES: New Menu Added that changes Account Code within a Job Number.

  8. 5e.48d: PRE-INVOICE now lists those Task Card items on the job where there is a zero value for Manhrs or charge out. Data is included in the ManHrs report

  9. 5e.48d: PURCHASE ORDERS "Reqd for" prompt checks if a Job Number entered is "Open" - Puts up message loops back if Job is found closed

22 April 2006 Rev 5e.47a

  1. ACFT/RECS: Components TSN/CSN - added new logic to correctly handle those components where the TSN & CSN is unknown. Previously these times would auto-total in "Update Hours" even though they might be unknown giving an inaccurate TSN/CSN. New prompt "Track Hrs/Cyc" added to track Hrs and Cyc since new now added. Items not tracked are printed "Not Known". Several report forms changed and stored in

  2. ACFT/RECS: Rotable Records - Added self-correction of hours/landings using an internal to the program file check-sum that keeps the times remaining aligned

  3. ACFT/RECS: Added blank Report Forms for Nil Call-ups, Components, C/Up on Components and Defects

  4. ACFT/RECS: Suppressed TSO/CSO calc for Rotables on Extension - now says "Ref:Extensn"

  5. ACFT/RECS: Added Edit prompt and process of Track_hrs and Cyc in Rotable Status drop down - helps in setting the total times on the Rotables en-masse quickly

  6. ACFT/RECS: Blocked update of Hrs and Cys to those Components that have been suspended

  7. TIME/JOB: Added "W-Sheet" button in Task Detail - to selective print W/Sheets. Added Password control for "Delete" process of Tasks in Task Detail submenu

  8. STORES:Changed Look-up of Ship-to logic to search to Supplier file where Delivery note to a supplier was used

  9. STORES: Changed logic where Receipts and Issue History prices are all "Buy Price" for O/Station transfers.

  10. Rev5e47a: STORES: Changed Residual Report value to acquire latest Date in for REceipt History (freceip), changed reporting do End-Use or all

  11. Rev5e47a: STORES: Added DelvyMem to better remember the last IN/DEL number used

  12. Rev5e47b: STORES: Corrected Stock return fault to acquire correct O/station on same GRN


02 April 2006 Rev 5e.46a

  1. 1. ACFTRECS: Changed Forecast system and logic. Now detects if 'Groups' file is in use and prompts on the entire file. By-Pass on forecast now possible to create list bases purely on Groups

  2. ACFTRECS: Increase Aircraft Regn to 7 chars ( in line with ICAO changes where some countries are 7 instead of 6). Increases in screen width and prompts made. Change of logic for Job closed to be just REGN+"/" (instead of "/S")

  3. ACFTRECS. Added new Print Menu to forecast by a Range of Parameters ie. Using Date, Hrs, Ldg & Cyc on a "Between" prompt

  4. DEFECTS: Defect "entered-by" or "cleared-by" can be overwritten by ESC

  5. TOOL: Added to Tools and Equipment option to display BMP picture of the tool

  6. TOOL: Increased AssetNo by 20 Char (to better use this field e,g, as Tool Number)

  7. UTILITIES: Fixed reversal of User Security to lower permissions if so required

  8. EXIT: Exit program Stock Report -added WIP details breakdown in "Monthly Report Button"


03 Mar 2006 Rev 5e.45f

  1. STORES:Added Rotables in Quarantine in End of Day Report , Rotables away for Repair report, and Total Valuation Report.

  2. BILLING:Changed Credit Check logic to only work if Accounts Module is installed

  3. STORES: Corrected fault in Commercial Stores Overdue Orders - ("var COND not found" error fixed)

  4. BILLINGCorrected fault in Cost of Sales reporting for Commercial items -was incorrectly reporting Invoice="N"

  5. ACFT RECS: Corrected sort order fault in Long Range report when all Aircraft selected

  6. STORES: Added O/Station filter prompt in Print Reports - Non Moving Stock Report. Form changed RA_COD1W

  7. STORES: Purchase Order Progress Notes summary - Added in Browse screen for entry of new field called "Progress" which is summary per part no and also edit of Date due. Prints on RO_SUPPW, RO_REGNW and RO_ORDNW

  8. TIMEJOB: 5e.45c - Added a separate Button for Budget entries in Edit Job screen

  9.  T/LIBRY: 5e.45c - Added prompt for Days due in Subs Due report

  10. TIME/JOB: 5e.45c - Increased Employee Payroll rates by 1 place supporting "999.99"

  11.  STORES: Total valuation Report amended to separate Items Away for Repairs and Items in QUAR- Report RA_VALNW changed

  12. SYSTEM: 5e.45d - Corrected fault in File Maint and Restore where Library Memo file could unexpectedly become empty

  13. STORES: 5e.45e - Commercial PO system inadvertent "BINLOC" variable error fixed

  14. DEFECT: 5e.45f - Fixed look up of Defect in Defect Analysis - certain data make-up caused "Index Error"

12 Jan 2006 Rev 5e.44

  1. ACFT RECS: Removed the File Lock in Flight Log Records Update process . Was causing too much inconvenience in day to day use. Developed a new routine that does a self-correction of hours/landings using an internal to the program file check-sum that keeps the times remaining aligned - see TECHNOTE_19 

  2. ACFT RECS: Prompt for Times remaining added during entry of Variations to Call-ups. Allows for a manual "tweak" of times remaining

  3. STORES: Plugged "leak" in program where a User without O/station password could create Parts to other O/stations


05 Jan 2006 Rev 5e.43a

  1. STORES: Added in new logic to handle closure of Allocated Stock during Parts Issue. If allocated stock found then option to "draw and close allocation" is offered. Only "live" if there is allocated stock on Part no

  2. STORES: Added "Allocated Stock Value" as a separate line in "Total Valuation Reports". Forms changed: RA_VALNW, RA_VALPW

  3. STORES: Added support to handle AUX List in Parts Req module when connected from Aircraft Defects or opening Job Number - new logic in Creating new stock records.

  4. STORES: Added support to read new Avref CDROM data, retaining support for older version

  5. STORES: Added new field IPC_REF (IPC Catalog Ref) in Requisitions. Can be entered in Aircraft Defects or opening of Job Number

  6. ACFT RECS: Added New Button [ORDERS] to list Purchase Orders running on defects with flag (=YES) if there are Requisitions open on the defect. Note: the Requsition system only connects to Defects if the Defect Number is also a valid Job Number.

  7. STORES: Changed BinLoc Control File to handle O/Station in searches

  8. STORES: Added Interactive Report in Interactive Ordering System. New form RO_INTOW

  9. STORES: During Component Replacement, acquires Buy Price from the on-going component to write into any new created Comp that is being removed i.e. transfers the value across

  10. ACFT RECS: Corrected Ascending Single print report to handle Scrap items in right order

  11. BILLING: Added prompt for Budgetary Labour, Materials and Services during Open/Edit Job Number. Reported in Budget/Margins sub-menu in Billing section. New report added - RA_BUDGW

  12. TOOL/EQUIP: Added Filter for O/Station Asset reports . Changed logic for "Blank"=Base and "/"=ALL

  13. COMM STK: 5e43a - Urgent Internal Error corrected in Book into stock - connection with O/stn search was mis-set



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