Last Updated  06 June  2018  (See  amp_2015  for previous years amp_2020 for following years)  

      Subject : Details of Updates on CAFAM AMP made in the year 2016-18

06-Jun-2018    5f.30

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. TASK DETAIILS - Prompt to print Parst Used with Task Worksheet (only works if Single Task selected)

  2. CAFAMTSK Program - Added S&P to make default "Customer Approves Task" to be set to "Y

16-Dec-2017  to 30-May-2018    5f.29

  1. Added "Last Login" to record each User Last Login in Date and Time. DIsplay same in "Set-Up Cafam Users"

  2. TECH SVCS - Added [PDF] button on Add/EditAircraft main Screen. Creates Fcontrn.rgn_pdf defaults to folder REGN_PDF\ to hold folder location. Retreives to display any PDF document that is same name as the Aircraf Regn

  3. ACCEPT RETURN - Added prompt for OutStation to handle such a return

  4. OPEN/EDIT JOB - Print Reqs - Added "Tag list Y/N" option to help in making selection

  5. REQUISITION FULL INFO - Added support to form RM_REQSW (Req Full Note) to print Qty/Grn+BinLoc for items in Stock

17-Jul-2017  to 08-Sep-2017    5f.28

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. PRINT REPORTS - Parts Issued Report- Added the original PO that the Part No. was ordered under. Field original_po added with relational search from freceip.OrderNo. Added to Report RU_REGNW

  2. DIRECT INVOICE DELIVERY NOTES - Added new logic to all Creation of S/no directly from Delivery Notes. Creates a new Rotable new item, i.e does not require it to be created from "Load/Maint Stk file" , the Rotable can be created directly here
    3. HAZMAT: Added UN Number to material that is HazMat. Pop-up screen added to select UN Number

  3. BOOK-IN-TO-STOCK - COMMODITY CODE Look-up: Added S&P item to allow or "Block Full Commodity Code Look-up ?" during Book-into Stock

  4. TECH SERVICES - Call-ups on Removed Components Report changed to search at P/no level (used to search on removed S/n)

  5. STORES - Added new S&P item "Number of Days Rotable Core Due Back in" to change and User set default days that a Rotable Core is due back in

  6. STORES - Added new S&P Item "C/Code Tariff unique to GRN" to have option where the Tariff Comodity Code can be set generic to Part No

  7. TECH SVCS - Add/Edit Call-ups : Added new button [CalcLabr] - searches TimeCards for Man-hrs booked historically to a specific Task and averages the man-hours compared to actual set on the Call-up. New Report template RE_CALCW

  8. TIME/JOB - Added "Job_type" column in Browse Job Number table

  9. PRINT REPORTS - Need to Buy Report. Fixed length of App Stores Part No (was being cut back to 12-Chars if Commercial Req was found)

29-Jan-2017  to 17-Jul-2017    5f.27c

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. TARIFF Commodity Code - added look up tabel on pop-up table to assist accurate entry. Over-ride allows by using ESC key

  2. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT - Added support for PDF Certificate image. Uses the same path and file name as used for picture except is suffixed as PDF

  3. TOOLS & EQUIPMENT - Added support for printing Asset No in UnReturned Tools Report

  4. ADD/EDIT JOB - Added Alert_msg pop-up linked to Customer Account file when creating new Job No

  5. COMMERCIAL STORES Corrected Stock at O/S to print correctly for all i.e. added "/ " search (same as Bonded). Made Min/Max qty to be set down to O/Station level (was generic to p/no). Changed Reporting to support this. Added O/Stn prompt in Shelf Life report

  6. TIME/JOB: Setting & Parameter item added to allow Edit of TIme Card Entries even Job or Line is closed. Default is "N" to "Allow Edit of Closed Job Time Card" default "N". (Caution: Setting to "Y" can impact on your costings if the Job was closed and already invoiced)

  7. PURCHASE ORDER- Added Look-up on Req when placing Purchase Order to include S/order. Changed logic to display only Open Reqs or Sales Order (provioulsy) was display all including Zero Qty Bal

  8. TIME/JOB: Added new field "Job-type" in Job numbers, modified Add/Edit Screen to acquire Job type. Tasks on Job Number Report-used add_refno to hold job_type for report rd_tskfw & rd_tskmw . Added new Report Job Master by Job type rb_jtypw

  9. SET UP CAFAM USERS New Variable prompted to use as Inspection Ref No

  10. 5f.27b : QUOTES/RFQ - Increased width of numbering to handle extra digit. i.e. is now a 6-digit number instead max "99999". All previous values prefixed with "0xxxx"

  11. 5f.27b : EDIT BATCH BOOK - AWB: Added Questions to "Update Stock Record" and "Update Parts Used" to keep consistency of logic in other same Edits (i.e. by OrderNo, Grn, P/No etc)

  12. 5f.27b: TIME JOB - PRINT REPORTS: Added new Report (including DBF) "Employee by Department". New forms RW_DEPXW and RE_DEP3W

  13. 5f.27c TOOL & EQUIPMENT Print Reports - Added button on "All items" to filter only items which are Time Controlled. Added Descr search on the p/no prompt - takes effect if you type in something where new button added to do a "Description" search

  14. 5f.27c: TIME JOB - PRINT REPORTS - Support single digit search for suffix added in new Report (including DBF) "Employee by Department"

03-Jul-16  to 17-Nov-2016    5f.26b

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. COMMERCIAL - Labels Added new button to print Labels from Main Inventory Screen

  2.  All Labels - added control to detect Custom Label & grey out 4x3 button

  3. COMMERCIAL - Added complete new section to handle Commercial Requisitionsfor Commercials Parts and Services. Forms added/modified RM_REQCW, RM_RCQ3W, RW_QUO3W, RM_REQSW

  4. REQUSITIONS - Added new sub-menu "Last Reqs and S/Os" - lists Opem or All Requsitions with an "assigned to" prompt. Reports from Cursor set position onwards

  5. PRE-INVOICE - Added option to print a "Consolidated Print Report". New template RW_CONSW added

  6. BIN LOCATION REPORT - Report changed so that [BOTH] combines Rotable and Consumable records into one list and offers a Substitute form as on option if one is set up (from UTILITIES)

  7. STCKMENU - Re-Enter to Stock - added question to accept Q-GRN to Main Stores if BinLoc is not set to "QUAR"

  8. TASK DETAILS- Open Reqs: Added Commercial Requisition into main Report

  9. REQUISTIONS ALLOCATED - Changed Re-Print Allocated label to support "Re-locate" where the Bin Location is prompted with buttons to leave UnChanged, ReLocate and UnReLocate

  10. PRINT REPORTS- Job Status Report - added option to show items re-located on the Job - see item 9 above. Added same filter option in Parts Issued > Allocated Stock - filter for just Re-Located allocations

  11. COMMERCIAL DELIVERY NOTE - Corrected the search routine to acquire Job No correctly on a blank prompt

  12. CONSOLIDATED REPORT - PRE-INVOICE Added new option to do a Consolidated Report. Reports on a summarised Billing position of Jobs. New template RW_CONSW

  13. ALLOCATED STOCK - Second BarCode Scan for allocated Stock. Added to "Re-Print Allocated label" sub-menu option to "Re-locate" where the Bin Location is prompted with buttons to [No Change], [ReLocate] and [UnReLocate] are prompted. Added option to filter for just "Re-Located" allocations in Reports

  14. REQUISITION NOTE - Added Alternate numbers in Req Note Print

27 Mar 2016   - Rev 5F.25 

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. PURCHASE ORDER - Increased Package Qty by 1 place to make 4-places. Max number now "9999"

  2. BILLING - Added new logic to handle Staged Billing. New Sub-menu to control RTI, RTB. New prompts to print Billing Details as appropriate. Block Edit to Task if Bill_stage set to "INV or "RTI". Allows Edit in RTB but no further issue of Materials or Man Hours. Note Flag "INV" is set by the Accounts Program where items that are RTI (Ready to Invoice) are converted to an INVoice

  3. REQUISTIONS - On print of "Full Note" for Requsitions added in support to also include Memo Notes text plus any Progress Notes on the P/O. Form RM-REQSW changed

  4. REQUISITIONS - Added choice to print a PickNote after printing Allocated Labels. Form RM-PICKW added

  5. REQUISITIONS - Changed "Draw Item & Close Req" to support look of Employee Clock Number same as Scan process for BarCoded Issue

  6. REQUISITIONS - Book-in-To-Stock - added prompt for Bin Location during allocation of Booked in Stock

  7. TASK DETAILS - Added prompts to edit Estimate Man Hours in Task Details Screen

  8. PRE-INVOICE - added prompt to filter Pre-Invoice report down to RTI, RTB or ALL

  9. PRINT REPORTS - Task Report - added buttons to report down to report down to RTI, RTB or JUST CLOSED. Modified RD_TSKSW & RD_TSKFW to support this change



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