01 NOVEMBER 1998

      Subject : PURCHASE ORDER PROMPTS "Next PURC No" 



On  doing  a Purchase order, CAFAM does not display or  prompt  the  Next Purchase Order, but says instead "Next PURC No".



This has been done as a result of update 2T.  We have had some experience on a busy network (with several Buyers and Sales people) where the delay in accepting the Order Number (or Sales Invoice No.) prompted was causing some transactions to be written with the same Number but to different Suppliers.  Obviously, this was not acceptable, so the Software has been modified to allocate the number AFTER the first line of transaction.  It works much better now, because your can use the drop down feature to search  for a previous Order to add to or ascertain the last Order number used.



None. This is normal operation



To  get  the next PO number, when prompted enter "9999". This  will  force CAFAM  to drop down the search/browse window and you will  readily  see the  last Purchase Order number.  Obviously, you can select on this table  to "Add to a Previous Purchase Order"



This  logic (above) where the Number is not displayed but acquired  after  the first item of transaction has also been applied to throughout the CAFAM Program wherever an Auto numbering system is required.



Zenner Limited (UK)
Zenner Aviation Inc. (Canada)

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Canada +1 613 384 6523