This facility is intended for you to update CAFAM to the current version easily and (hopefully !) painlessly

The current version is CAFAM64 (Windows 64 Bit compatible)

AMP (Aircraft Maintenance Program)  Version 5g.07  - 01 Feb 2020  (log)

PSP (Parts Stockist Program) Version 3h.62   - 01 Feb 2020  (log)

Please ONLY download the files you need below for the version you are using

Only CAFAM64 is supported from this website. Please contact us if you are at a previous version



1. Before you do anything, ENSURE YOU HAVE A BACK-UP !

2. The updates are contained in ZIP files as listed below.  You only download the files that apply to you, i.e. either PSP for Parts Stockists  or AMP for Aircraft Maintainers. You do not need to download both - just one or the other as applicable to you.  Also,  you do NOT require a password to download this.

3. Download the files that apply to you and Copy/Save-as  to the folder where your CAFAM program is located, e.g. C:\CAFAM

4. Unzip the file to overwrite any previous files.  CAUTION:  If you have previous Customized forms for PO's, Invoices, Quotes etc. then DO NOT overwrite these files.  Two separate zip files are provided - one for the Reports and one for Forms.  Most likely your Forms may have been customized previously, in which case only update the Report files.

5. You will need to contact us for the (Password) to UnZip the downloaded file if this has not been already provided to you by email. Please email us on

6.  TECHNOTE No 9 gives you more information on the update process. Other Technotes are listed below for your info 

Please let us know that your update was successful so that we can update our records to help us support you better in the future !



AMP - Aircraft Maintenance Program - The current CAFAM64-AMP Program files. - Reports in European A4 size. - Forms in European A4  size. - Reports in American Letter size. - Forms in American Letter size.

            amp_2016 - Log of Updates for the year 2016 with links to previous years


PSP - Parts Stockist Program - The current CAFAM64-PSP Program files. - Reports in European A4 size. - Forms in European A4  size. - Reports in American Letter size. - Forms in American Letter size. 

            psp_2004 - Log of Updates for the year 2004 and before

            psp_2005-13 - Log of Updates for the years 2005-2013

            psp_2005-16 - Current log of Updates for 2016

SLS - Simple Ledger System - The current SLS Program files. - Reports in European A4 size. - Forms in European A4  size. - Reports in American Letter size. - Forms in American Letter size.


Common Files - Both Programs -  VFP DLL Overlay files required to run CAFAM-AMP or PSP -  VFP DLL Overlay files required to run CAFAM-PSP (option)