Last Updated  01 Feb  2021

See amp_2007 , amp_2008 , amp_2009 , amp_2010-11amp_2012-13amp_2014 , amp_2015 , amp_2016-18

      Subject : Details of Updates on CAFAM AMP made in the year 2019-21


18-Sep-2020   to  02-Jan-2021 5g.07a

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. 1. PRINT REPORTS - Purchase Orders. Added relational look up to Batch Book to acquire GRN and Supplier Invoice if found. Reports modified RO_REGNW, RO_ORDNW, RO_SUPPW modified to show GRN. DBF Report file shows both

  2. BATCH BOOK Invoice width increased from 10 Chars to 20 Chars, Various screens and tables extended. Reports modified RP_BAT2W, RP_BOOKW, RP_BATCW, RP_INCGW, RP_INVCW, RP_NOTEW, RP_ORDRW, RP_PARTW

  3. JOB CONTROL - PRINT REPORTS. Added new option [Calendar Days] in "Employee FIle > Attendance Records" to print Total Man hrs worked for any date period listed for each day and all Employees. Note: Enter a Pin number of "0000" for inactive Employees to exclude from this report. Report form RW_NCALW

  4. TECH SVCS - Log Book Entry Added question: "Allow Printed Text to wrap around. Default set to Memory, If YES then the text as presented wrapped around. if NO then Text resembles data file i.e. line by line

  5. EDIT BATCH BOOK - Added Setting and Parameter "Allow Freight to Add to Buy " - Y/N where if set to "N" this button becomes greyed out i.e. Freight can only show in the "Freight Column"

  6. TECH SVCS - Log Book Entry Added question: "Include Rotable Parts fitted in LBE ?". Default set to Memory, If YES then Rotable Parts as found will be inserted to the Task Line If NO then Rotable Parts will not show within the LBE (Note only works for LBE linked to Job No,)

  7. 5g.07a ALTERNATE LABOUR RATE. Added new section to support Alternate Labour Rates. Setting & Parameter item to turn this feature On or OFF. If turned ON, then Customer can be set with Alternate Labour Rates governed by Location where the Work is carried out and Aircraft Type down to Department. On opening a Job these rates are used if found by Location and/or Aircraft type. Also added option to update the TimeCards globally to overwrite previous values as found by Dept.

  8. 5g.07a PREPARE BILLING - added new sub-menu "Browse Edit Labour Info". Lists the ManHrs on the tasks with a prompt for the Labour Text via a Look-up table FLABTXT. Ultilities modified to support data entry for Labour Text 1,2,3

  9. 5g.07a PREPARE BILLING - Menu "Modify Freight Sell Price". Added new Prompts "Limit Freight to a Maximum Value." Added Buttons to "Retain Higher Freight values found" and option to separate update to Rotable, Consumable or Both

  10. 5g.07a DIRECT INVOCE PRINT - Added function to prompt for Tax Code and Ledger Code for Materials and Freight during Direct Invoices (to emulate Invoice module in Accounts Section). Changed internal logic to ensure each Ledger Code and Tax Code calls the appropriate VAT percent % as applicable i.e. VAT1 or VAT2. Modified Invoice template RS_INVCW to suit

  11. 5g.07a CREATE NEW P/No - Added prompt for "Core Dep" when creating new Rotables. Looks for any value in the "AuxList" if present

  12. 5g.07a EASA/CAA FORM 1 Changes supported where Template used to print either (ie. CAA.FRX or EASA.FRX) is written (WS_FORMTYP) to the Form 1 Issued Register

  13. 5g.07a APU-TYPE Increased APUType to 20-Chars but intentiionally held to 15-Chars for Aircraft. Thus when print Log Book Entries, full width of 20-Chars available for thos case where this is required. Form RG_LOGBW (not supplied as could be customised) will need to be extended locally if applicable.

31-May-2020  5g.06

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. INVENTORY-SHELF LIFE Added extra 2-digits to cover Day. Shelf life processing changed to support YYYYMMDD i.e. includes down to day.. Reports RA_SHLFW, RA_SHL2W. RA_SHL3W. RN_SHLFW. RA_SHL2W modified. Customised forms and labels to be done case-by-case

  2. INVENTORY - MINQTY Enhanced. Added logic to MinQty calculations to display warining on Inventory Screen "LOW" if O/Stn (incl Base) is specifically below MinQty, i.e. overall total Qty can be above MinQty but low at at Specific O/Stn. (Required working out total of Qty on O/Stn). Print reporting changed to show total stock on the P/no. Thus for specific O/stn now shows what is total available all round. RA_MINQW changed

  3. TOOL & EQUIPMENT - Added new Button [Ac Type] to Add/Delete Aircraft Types. Display on screen.modified to list Aircraf Types. Print form single tool RA_CLBRW to changed display Aircraft Types. Note: Previous single A/C Type prompt changed to free text to represent "Fleet" . Added new sub-menu in Print Reports to list Tool/Equipment as applicable to Aircraft Type. Reports changed RA_TYPEW & RA_FLETW

  4. OPEN/EDIT JOB - Added control to ensure End Date is Mandatory if Status=JOB FINISHED or DRAFT INVOICE. Program will not proceed with End Date. Esc supported to exit

  5. OPEN/EDIT JOB - Added prompt for Job Location in Open & Edit of Job Number. Pop-up table to ensure accuracy. Work Report form RB_WRKRW and LBE (Log Book Entry) Form RG_LOGBX modified to display Location. (Note: Due to local variances in Work Reports and LBE Forms, master Forms RB_WRKRW & RG_LOGBW are not included in Files have been renamed as RB_WRKRX & RW_LOGBX. Overwrite or copy across the "Location" field if required into your Form)

  6. TOOL & EQUIPMENT- Stopped Deletion of Audit History on Tooling. (Delete of lines in the Parts Usage file is part of the Edits in Billing. However, tool Audit History was also being deleted - now stopped). Thus iif Setting and Parameter is set to to "Y" for "Audit History Tool Control", then delete iof Tooling Issue and Returns is inhibited.

  7. UTILITIES-CHANGE BIN LOC - Added option to also change O/Stn on the Bin Loc entered if required i.e. will change the O/Stn on the "Old" Bin Loc same time as changing to "New". Allows flexibility to change O/Stn and leave Bin Loc unchanged by entering the "Old" and "New" Bin to be the same. This will change the O/Stn on the Bin Loc

  8. BOOK-INTO-STOCK -PRICING Added support for S&P Setting "Rotabl:Sell based on (R)epr,(B)uy,(L)ist" to be settable as "BR" or "LR" where Sell Price is based on Buy Price or List Price for all "PURC" Orders (as before) and also make Sell price to be based on Repair Price for "REPR" Orders. Reason - when set only to "R", no Sell Price gets calculated for PURC Orders on Buy Price or List Price

  9. PRINT REPORTS - TOTAL VALUATION REPORT - Added "Repair Prices" for Rotables as a separate Total. Report RA_VALNW changed

  10. TECH SVCS - Log Book Entry - Prompts and acquires M/Manl & M/Prog data for print on LBE (var S_CMT1, S_CMT2), screen prompts tidied cosmetically, added prefix "Action: " to rectification test, changed logic of data acquisition (now faster and uses less memory)

10-Aug-2018   to   03-Nov-2019   5g.05a

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. TECH SVCS - ADJUSTMENT TO HRS (ENG AND PROP) Now also updates Call Up on Components for Components affected by Prop or Eng Hrs Adjustments

  2. TOOL EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION - Added new option to print full History (memo Notes) or to exclude if not required. New report template RA_CBLBW

  3. PRINT REPORTS - PARTS ISSUED - Added new Report Parts Issued by Purch Order No. New report template RU_ORDRW

  4. COMMERCIAL STOCK - IN STOCK LABEL - Introduced option to print different Commercial Stock Label on CU_LABLT.LBX if found (prevents conflct with original lalel CU_LABLN which is shared with Book-into-Stock i.e. prnt from Batch Book)

  5. PDF PRINT OF CERT (GRN_PD) - Added support to search OrderNo as PDF file id not found as actual GRN. Means Approved Certificate can be saved to PDF as Order No or as GRN

  6. BATCH BOOK and Label Print - Added option to print by Order No as well as GRN range or Date search

  7. ALERT MESSAGE - Increase to 80 chars. Added S&P Setting to include Alert Message as Line 1 in Comments for P/O's and Delivery Notes

  8. PRINT REPORTS Supplier Report by Classif - added prompt and filter for Classification with Buttons option for Approved or Entire List

  9. EDIT BATCH BOOK - Added new fields to hold the actual entered Freight amounts (held internally). Was previously attempting to re-calculate entered values and was sometimes not the same as originally entered causing re-Edit errors

  10. INVENTORY SCREEN - PARTS ISSUE. Added prompt to Print Label of Parts Issued. Looks for label template SCANSISSU.LBX to trigger the prompt

  11. BATCH BOOK - Added Customs_value prompt in Book-into-Stock and Column in Batch Book edit. Added new Report "Sort by Customs Entry No. ". New report RP_CUENW

  12. JOB STATSU REPORT - Added Purchase Order Progress line into RA_DTPRW Job Status Report

10-May-2019  to 04-Jul-2019     5g.04

  1. TASK CARD - Added new field CDCCL - added new field cdccl "Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations", editable in Job Control > Task button and can be printed on WorkCards

  2. ACCEPT RETURN - Added prompts for "Owner and also "Reqd for" for PO is created
    3 BATCH BOOK EDIT BY AWB - Added new field Tariff (Commodity Code), also updates Inventory record

  3. PRINT REPORT - Parts Issued Reports additional fields ind DBF File : AWB_recv, Import Entry, CPC, Date_recvd, EndUse Y/N, Tariff and Duty%

  4. PRINT REPORT - Receipt History added Qty-in into DBF File

  5. INVENTORY SCREEN - Added Origin on main screen parts of Edit

  6. BOOK-IN-TO-STOCK - Display of Memo Notes if present. Only displays if generic to Part Number and if Alert Message has been set to the P/No

  7. OOL & EQUIPMENT - Added new field to control "Ultimate Scrap" date. Links to Print Reports as part of Overdue Listing. Forms RA_CLBRW, RA_CALBW modified

19-Jan-2019  5g.03

  1. PURCHASE ORDER - Added logic to allow duplication of same Consum Part Number on same order - Prompts for confirmation and adds to previous line of Qty-on-Order

  2. WORK REPORT - Added Y/N selection of Tasks to print on Work Report


28-Aug-2018 to 16-Nov-2018   5g.02b

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. BATCH BOOK - Added FreightBuy, FreightList into Batch Book,. Shows in Browse table in Batch Book Edit. Prompts for Freight Buy, List & Sell in AWB entry with full Amortisation to each line

  2. BILLING REPORT - New report "Billing Man Hrs" added under "Margin,Budgets, & Costs" sub-menu, Reports on ManHrs in the Task File. Report template RW_INVBW

  3. TECH SVCS - Current Status added new button to list Non-Mandatory items to complement current list Only Mandatory items

  4. MIN/ QTY REPORT - Modified report to calculate the min qty taking into account the Alternates by showing separate columns for Aternates In-Stock and On-Order. Added option to Exclude P/nos where Alternates are available ie. do not show P/nos where Alternates with sufficient Qty in Stock or On Order are available (5g.02a ) Report template RA_MINQW mandatory this update

  5. OPEN/EDIT JOB: Added logic to verify Job being opened is to the Aircraft Owner (if aircraft is on file). If not the owner then Advisory caution prompted to continue

  6. PRE-INVOICE: Added Freight Buy Price in Report RU_JBL3W and RU_JBL4W

  7. EDIT ISSUES/RECPTS: (5g.02b) Sub-Menu "Adjust Sold Parts" - Clearer screen prompts. Added option for Commercial Items. Added logic to revert adjustments that were done. Added option to exclude uplift parts that were 'L'ocked

06-Jun-2018 to 18-Aug-2018   5g.01

Zip for Forms & Reports changed -

  1. Increase Approved Stores monetory width by 1-digit now to max of 9,999,999.99. Excludes Commercial. Several screens, data files etc modified to suit

  2. IME & JOB - Added Optional Serial No prompt for Consum Items when doing a Form 1

  3. TIME & JOB - Added new Engineer Log Book layout RW_ENGRW if both Employee & Type entered for Employee "Aircraft Type worked" report

  4. TIME & JOB: Added support to import external Task file. Checks for presence of a file called TASK-IN.CSV in a sub-folder called \IMPORT. If found, then triggers the import process . TASK-CSV comprises 3 columns where Col 1 = X-Ref No, Col 2 = Task Details, Col 3 = Line 1 of Task Details for the AMM Chapter



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Zenner Aviation Inc. (Canada)

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