Last Updated  08 November  2009 (See amp_2008 for previous years, amp_2010 for following years)

      Subject : Details of Updates on CAFAM AMP made in the year 2009

08 November 2009 Rev 5F.04


  1. STORES - Requisitions: Added option in Requisition menu to print a Purchase Approval Form for Requsitions placed. Form RM_REQ3W.FRX

  2. STORES- Requisitions: Added new menu to swop Requsitioned Part with an Alternate

  3. STORES-Purchase Orders: Added a S&P control to force the Cost Code to be a blank during PO generation, i.e. forces a Cost Code entry every time.

  4. STORES-Load Maintain Stock FIles: New Menu Option to Re-value Stock Buy Priced based on a new Exch Rate. Each part number now holds the Exch Rate and Currency that was used on the Purchase Order. This menu option modifies the Buy Prices and re-calculates for any changes in the Exch Rate

  5. NEW SECTION - RELIABILITY REPORTING ADDED - ACFT RECS - Defect Analysis - Print Report - Added new sub-menu for Reliability Reporting - defects and components, new forms RY_RELIW, RV_RELIW

  6. ACFT RECS - Main Print Reports Added new Sub-menu for Reliability reporting - under "Component History", by Aircraft or by Part no. new forms RV_REL2W 


17 October 2009 Rev 5F.03b

  1. TIME/JOB Added logic to acquire initials of User who enters/edit the Work Stage file. Changed reports RB_PRIRW and RB_STAGW to print initials entered.

  2. PROFORMA - PREPARE BILLING: Added new menu option to get all the Time Card Hours directly into the Billing file in one selection

  3. UTILITIES - Added a new Sub-menu to Global change Bin Location. All parts on that Bin are now changed to re-locate into a new Bin

  4. STORES - Add prompt to filter on O/stn for Inventory screen Reporting on History

  5. STORES - Requisitions: Added option in Setting & Parameters to "Auto-Increment QuoteNo during Reqs?" Choice of having the same Quote Refno pegged to the Job Number (Requisition), or having new Quote number generated for every new demand on the Requisition

  6. SUPPLIER FILE- Print Report, Approved Supplier Lists - added prompt for No of Days expiry, added filter for approved suppliers 


02 July 2009 Rev 5F.02

  1. TIME/JOB 
    a) Added support for substitute Word Order form (for User Customisatation reasons)
    b) Added prompt for name of Project Controller

  2. STORES added support to locate the Release type by simply typing the first letter e.g. "E" will auto-find "EASA F1", etc

  3. TASK CONTROL - Modified Task Report - WorkSheet Control Report to filter "Open", "Closed" and "All" tasks. RD_TSKWW.FRX

  4. ACFT RECS - Satisfy Call-ups - added Caution: if Date Satisfied on Call-ups is in the future

  5. REQUISITION CLOSURE - Added in print of "Stock Issue Sheets" for items drawn from Stores

  6. TIME/JOB Added new Report under "Various Analysis" - to report on Man Hours worked by Department

  7. STORES - Added New Inventory list sorted by supplier - new report added RA_SUPPW

  8. STORES - Added Option to sort Parts Issued by <P/no> <Date> <binLoc> - report by Job Number

  9. STORES - Added "BinLoc to Exclude" in the Need-to-Buy report

02 July 2009 Rev 5F.01


  1. SYSTEM: Job No increased by 1 Char through entire program (to handle Job over "99999/00")

  2. SYSTEM: Improved the Password access and control - added new setting & parameter "Y/N" item "Force use of high secure Passwords ?"

  3. STORES Purchase Orders creation - Added in a prompt to connect to the Requisition file. Triggered by leaving Part Number blank. New button "S/o-Req" added on the search pane. Also Added an option to directly close off the Requisittion on placing the PO that matches the Job No - thus no further action being needed for Requisition Closure

  4. STORES Modified "Job Status" Report to give choce selection for the Status. Also added in the Reqs open on the Job

  5. ACFT RECS Print Reports. Master List - Added Date search for AD revision date. Form RF_FULLW.FRX modified to included "Edited by" and "Edited on"

  6. ACFT RECS Forecast & WorkSheets - - added "40000", "60000", "80000" series count for APU W/sheet task numbers

  7. ACFT RECS: Added a new Setting & Parameter item to "Auto Daily Back-up of Aircraft Records Y/N". If set to "Y", then first person of the day entering Aircraft Records creates back-up files of all Aircraft records in folders that are labelled by "YYYYMMDD"

10 Jun 2009 Rev 5e.67e

  1. ACFT RECS -Added Edited_on (date) into the files (next to Edited_by)

  2. TECH LIBRARY - Added choice to "Sort by Fleet" in Report by Location. New form ri_loc2w.frx added

  3. TOOL EQUIP - Added new Print Report - "Sort by Fleet Type". New form ra_typew added

  4. ACFT RECS - Added separate report template for front sheet print of APU - RG-FRN2W

  5. ACFT RECS - Added new Control file for Trades - file FACTRAD. Pop-ups as needed to handle accuracy in data entry . Set in "Control Files" in Utilities

  6. ACFT RECS - Log Book Entry Added filter for Trade, prompts Log Book Entry Certification statement

  7. ACFT RECS - Defects: Added Search button for Defects in Defect Entry Screen

  8. STORES - "Load Maintain Stock FIles" : Allows re-creation of Duplicate Serial Number provied item is not in Stock, on a PO or fitted to an Aircraft

  9. TIME/JOB-"Add/Edit Job No": Added Search for Serial Number in WorkShop Job numbers

  10. STORES - Book-into Stock added prompt "Increment GRN every line ?". If yes selected, automatically increments GRN

  11. STORES - Book-into Stock added prompt for Date to write as date for stock booked-in

  12. STORES - Book-into Stock changed the logic of change in Part number where if Master Number is used, then the booked in item changes its identity to this part number and creates a record as an alternate number

  13. STORES - Exchanges Changed 'Close Exchanges" to support different Supplier and different P/no being returned in Delivery Note Issue. Caution prompts apply that requires User confirmation

  14. ACFT RECS - Added Memo Notes buttons to Call-ups Satisfied on Aircraft and Components, displays on History. Intended tor detailed information as to applicability in showing compliance for call-ups e.g. AD's

  15. ACFT RECS - Added new menu to create a Records Handover DBF file

  16. STORES - Added display/edit of Currency and Exchange Rate used for pricing up Stores items

  17. STORES - Added S & Parameter: control "Make Owner field Mandatory ? "

19 Jan 2009 Rev 5e.66c

  1. TECH LIBRARY: Added in New Menu prompt to issue a Tech Pub to a Job No with auto-sense to return same. Added in New Report to list Publications issued to Job Number. Note Reports on Items issued Parts Issued History will list the publications issued out

  2. TIME/JOB - Added new report for Job Master File - to search and report on Jobs that were closed in any period.

  3. STORES: Added support for self-incrementing GRN to support two prefix letters (for those Users who are past "Z")

  4. STORES: Added new Settings & Parameters to handle Rotable Sell Pricing to be based on Buy, Repair or List Price. Internal changes in the program to handle new policy if based on List Price (changes in PO creation, Book-into-Stock, Inventory Edit). Changes also made to auto-calculate Freight (if based on List price)

  5. STORES: Added new Setting & Parameter to suffix P/No with the letters "EX" for items ordered as "EXCH". Suffix is added as the end-two letters. Thus different Part No make-up allows for better control of pricing for Rotables procured as Exchange

  6. STORES: Default setting made for Consumables to be "NE" (NEW) during PO creation

  7. STORES: Increased Mark-up table by one-extra decimal place to better improve accuracy of percentage mark-up calculations

  8. STORES: Added new Report "Track Purchase Orders Received" - New form added RO_TRCKW. Reports on Purchase Orders received as "where used" and "where now"

  9. STORES: Invcrease PO price per item to width of 8.2 places - to support large denomination currency e.g Roubles. Writes to a max of 999999.99 in base files if value is exceeded

  10. BILLING: Added new Report Sub-Menu "Invoice Margins" to supplement the Materials Margins. Searches the Invoice file and reports Margins 



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