1 DECEMBER 2000



Note : This tech note is applicable only to users of CAFAM for DOS  ONLY



CAFAM  (Rev  4D/3C and up) has been programmed to make use of  Windows Print Manager and Windows Word Processing systems to enhance the output into other formats.   


1. Purchase Orders, Invoices, Delivery Notes and Approved Certificates, JAR F1 FAA8130 forms can now be printed directly from CAFAM using a Windows driven interface.                                        


2. Quotations, Request for Quotes and Sales Order confirmations are hooked directly into your chosen Word-processor e.g, Wordpad, Word95/97 etc                                                                    


3. A frequent complaint in Screen Print Reports is the  ability to 'Page-Up'.  This can be overcome by printing to a 'Text' file and hooking into your Word processor                                       


4. CAFAM also supports a dedicated Label Printer (Axiohm Advantage BT  4) to print high quality bar-coded labels




1.   Use the UTILITIES menu and AMEND USER PASSWORD sub-menu to set  each  user  with their individual preferences for the chosen Wordprocessor e.g.



Word Processor > C:\PROGRA~1\ACCESS~S\WORDPAD.EXE for Wordpad


As  the  location  can  vary  on  each PC no general rule can  be  given  here  other  than  to determine yourself just where does the Program reside


TIP:  If you are using Word97, set OPTIONS>TOOLS>GENERAL to "confirm conversion  at Open".  This way during the import process, you can select "Retain Layout" and see the file as would have been printed and NOT as Word wants to re-do the layout !!                                      


2.   Continue  with  AMEND  USER PASSWORD sub-menu to set each users  preferred  folder  to  store the CAFAM generated files, e.g.               


               Folder  >   C:\MYDOCU~1\                                             

would store the files on the C: drive under default folder "My Documents".  You can specify any folder name provided it already exists on the system.


In  order  that  CAFAM  prints  forms  directly into WIndows  you  will  need  to  change  the  Prompt DOS/Win" to WIN  (UTILITES, AMEND USER PASSWORD). This will trigger the Windows version





1. Before you do anything, ENSURE YOU HAVE A BACK-UP !


2. The updates are contained in ZIP files called CAFAMAMP or CAFAMPSP. You only require ONE of these two - depending on the Program you are running. Also, you do NOT require a password to download this.


3. Download the version that applies to you and copy it to the folder where your CAFAM program is located, e.g. C:\CAFAM.


4. Type PKUNZIP CAFAMAMP (or CAFAMPSP) -S(password) to expand the file.


5. You may need to contact us for the (Password) to UnZip the downloaded file if this has not been already provided to you by email.


6. After the program has expanded, run a file called UPDATE.BAT. This is a special program provided to automatically update your Data files.


7. In addition you may need new Database Overlays (Not applicable if you are already running Version 4C and up). This is a one-time process to insert new Foxpro Database Overlays to work with this version of CAFAM where "hooks" to connect to Windows Print Manager have been developed (see CAFAM Help System for Details) .


8. To update your Overlay Files, run and execute the file FXLAY.EXE, downloaded above where this has also been saved in the \CAFAM folder.


Please let us know that your update was successful so that we can update our records to help us support you better in the future !



Zenner Limited (UK)
Zenner Aviation Inc. (Canada)

UK +44 (0) 1959 565 707
Canada +1 613 384 6523