have written these notes to help understand some recent changes in
the Program (Version 5d.41 and up) where we are now providing
support for variable labour rates.
The way the labour rate per job is being prompted is now
quite different and it is hoped that the extract from the Manual
will go some way in helping you understand the change.
How To.....
supports the concept of a variable labour rate chargeable by
Department within a Job. This means that during opening a Job,
variable rates of charge-out can be set for each Employee dependent
on the Department he/she works for.
1. Go to UTILITIES > CONTROL FILES and set the Labour Rates
with Department in the relevant Table headed "Labour Rate to
charge per Department" This table will be used to:
validate the Department for new Employees (or during an Edit)
b) set the default labour rates for new Customer (or during an
Run one time a Program that will apply the above rates
retrospectively. This Program can
Go to the Customer ADD/EDIT menu in the Billing section to set
individual charge-out labour rate files if different from the values
set in the Control file above.
Now when opening a Job Number, CAFAM will prompt variable charge-out
rates per department. Values pre-defined for the Customer
will be prompted for confirmation or change if different for the Job
in question.
During Time Card entry CAFAM will use the Dept code for the
Employee's time
being entered to match the Dept Code for the Job no. This
will get the charge out prices to populate the Time card file as
appropriate. If a Labour Charge out rate cannot be found, then CAFAM
will prompt a CAUTION
with an option to over-ride and continue. Recommend you don't.
Identify why a charge rate cannot be found - most likely will be
that this is a legacy entry from the past where the department
entered for the Employee is not being matched to the Job Number.
So that you do not encounter a legacy problem following an CAFAM
update, here are some helpful tips
1. If you haven't assigned Departments to all your Employees, then
when setting up the variable Labour Rates in Utilities, leave the
first line "Dept" to be Blank with your normal previously
used Labour Rates. This will allow you to continue working with Time
Card Entries so that Blank is a supported Department for these
Employees. You can modify this line in Utilities at such time as you
assign a Department to ALL your Employees.
2. A special program has been provided to populate previous Job
Numbers and Customer file. This can be found under "Additional
Program" in "Time/Job" push button [Labr Rate].
Options here will globally apply the Labour Rate Data into the
Customer File. These can be modified to individual Customers
(in Customer ADD/EDIT) and then re-applied to open Job Numbers
matched to the Customer Account.
3. If you do NOT wish to use variable labour rates for Jobs and
Departments, then
a) Set just one usual Labour Rate to charge out in the Control files
with Department left
blank or set to something e.g. "SK"=Skilled
b) Set all your Employees to match this Department (Blank or
When future Jobs are opened this Rate will be prompted as the
"On-File" rates in the table.